Showing posts with label ALS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ALS. Show all posts

Friday 5 September 2014

Ice Bucket Bemoaners

Okay so the first BerryLog – I’m going to play my ‘get out of jail free’ card straight off as in truth, I’ve already posted a variation of this on Facebook, but it’s worth another mention.

Many people now have done the Ice Bucket Challenge to raise awareness and money for a now varying list of charities. At its peak in late August, every day one would find a new video on FaceSpace (personal term of endearment) of some mate or relative freezing their badoobies off for a bit of a laugh in a good cause.

And then the tide turned and a growing number of people actually found a need to start criticising it.

My friend (CA – blog law says its courtesy to acknowledge the source! xx) was peeved at people moaning about it, and delivered a well crafted rant at the gloom merchants.

“Well said”, I said.

Coincidentally the day before, I overheard someone mention that they felt the majority of people doing it and filming it were just attention seekers and were not actually donating – and I just thought that was such a bleak view of human nature.

Well actually the cause still raised MILLIONS more pounds/dollars in August compared to the previous month, so a huge amount of good was being done – and still is by all accounts. How can that be a bad thing in anyone’s mind?

As for those who are doing it for other reasons and are not actually donating - well let's just leave that to their conscience, and hope no-one they care for gets inflicted.

Keep getting cold and wet people!!! Next week it’s the Hot Coals challenge!

I’ll end by repeating my friend’s last comment on the matter:

She said: “Do your own thing quietly if you'd rather, but keep your negative thoughts to yourself”

“Well said”, I say…