Showing posts with label polls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label polls. Show all posts

Saturday 20 September 2014

Those 'Child of the 80's' lists...

These babies must've been doing the rounds for years now.  Always worth a chuckle but I thought I'd give it a bit more context...

You know you're a child of the 80's when:

You remember when there was no breakfast TV and when TV shut down at midnight.

And Dad would open the window and turn the volume up so the neighbours could enjoy the National Anthem

There was nothing on TV in the middle of the day except for that test card girl with the clown and a blackboard.

Bless her heart she looked like a girl in my school moonlighting.

You can name at least half of the members of the elite Brat Pack.

They've never left the thoughts of this Man in Motion.

You remember when ATARI was a state of the art video game system.

I more recall the Commodore Vic 20 vs Commodore 64 vs ZX Spectrum 48k+ debate (the Speccy won)

You own any cassettes.

Of course...still have over 400. It's a collection dammit!

You remember dancing to Tiffany.

Yeah that was last week. I remember running just as fast as I can. Usually on the spot.

You were led to believe that in the year 2000 we'd all be living on the moon.

That is in fact what a bearded teacher told me in 1985. That all sadly changed in 1986.

You know who Max Headroom is. But did you ever find out if he was r-r-r-r-r-real?

Didn't get the joke in his name until years and years later when I had learnt how to drive.

You wore fluorescent, neon clothing.

Nope but my brother did.

You could breakdance, or wished you could.

Nope but my brother thought he could.

You Believed that 'By the power of Greyskull', you HAD the power.

I thought I would have power if I said it backwards. Evidently not. 

You remember David Hasselhoff when he wore clothes and talked to his car.

Here's some controversy...never liked Knight Rider. Never as good as the Dukes of Hazzard.

You carried your lunch to school in a Gremlins or an ET lunchbox.

No no.. forget that. Who else genuinely remembers ET biscuits?

You know the profound meaning of Wax on, Wax off.

I know that every kid called Daniel suddenly had an extra name.

You remember that spiky flat-tops were the rave after Top Gun.


You used to get into the family car by sliding through the open window Dukes of Hazzard style.

No but my son has tried it recently

You saw Ghostbusters 7 times.

No but I saw Ghost at least 3 times.

You ran around the playground saying: "We came, we saw, we kicked ass!"

More like I hid in the corner praying for dear life during British Bulldog

Saturday was Multi Coloured Swap Shop day.

That bloke still has a tidy beard.

You wore leg-warmers (or knew someone who did)

Hated them as the girls always lent them to more popular boys than me.

You know the theme tune and the names of all the actors and characters in Dynasty.

Mmm Emma Samms / Fallon...

You remember watching a house inhabited by a jester, a pantomime horse, and a woman who sneezed, and thinking that this was perfectly normal.

No that was just rubbish.

Ooh, you could crush a Grape!

My mum took us to see that 'live'...and future friends of mine got to go on stage with Stu Francis and one of the Nolans.

The first time you ever kissed someone was at a dance during "Crazy for You" by Madonna.

My first kiss as an under 18, there was no music present. As an adult though it was actually to "La Bamba" by Los Lobos. Dead romantic.

You remember Now compilations that had the pig on the front cover (and ones in single figures...)

Yeah what WAS the idea behind the pig?

You owned, or wanted a "Frankie says..." T-shirt.

No but my Dad did.

You have ever danced (or even worse cried) to Kylie & Jason.

It WAS a beautiful wedding. 

Parachuting Action man was your favourite toy.

You mean those 3 inch plastic soldiers attached to a bit of string and a carrier bag that you lobbed into the air surely?

You thought ABBA were cool, the first time round!

Damn right they were.

You wore mismatched finger-less gloves.

Hell yeah

You remember when Betamax was at the cutting edge of technology.

Blank Betamax=195 minutes

Blank VHS=180 minutes
We had both!

Vimto / Dandelion & Burdock featured in your diet.

Every Christmas with every other Corona staple.


How on Earth has that slipped under the radar?

You fantasised about those girls from that Robert Palmer video.

Nope just Cheryl Baker.

Your best mate had a Sodastream at home and you were jealous.

Everyone had one apart from us.

The expression "you sound like a broken record" means nothing to your children.

Basically this blog...!